Dressing In Modest Islamic Clothing

By Mark Schmidt

The Muslim community has a unique way of dressing that is dictated by their religion. When you join the religion, you are expected to dress in a manner that reflects modesty and respect for the religion. The change in the modern times has only seen a change in the mode of dressing among the Muslims. Here is how you can remain fashionable and vibrant while dressing in modest Islamic clothing:

Islamic clothing is also meant to show respect to Allah. Both men and women are expected to wear loose fitting and long clothes that cover their entire body. However, the modern times has seen this culture evolve and men are now seen is shorts and women wear dresses that do not entirely cover their entire body.

Women mainly wear abayas that is a long robe that is loose and flows from the shoulder to the toe. It is made of thick translucent material. Although this type of dressing is still very common, we have seen it change. They are now mostly decorated with embroidery, jewels and patterns. This allows the Muslim women to enjoy a change in their fashion styles and create more vibrancy in their clothing.

Women are expected to cover up from their heads to their toes. Covering up every part of the body can make it very difficult to dress in a vibrant manner. However, in modern times, the Islamic women now wear jubbas that are fashionable and embedded with jewelry. This improves the look of your outfits and allows you to fit in the modern times and look stylish.

Men have simple ways of dressing unlike their women. They are not expected to hide their hair or wear very long or loose outfits. Jubbas are robes that are commonly worn by the Islamic men. However, unlike the women, they wear these robes on special occasions and events. You can easily have custom made jubbas or have a tailor make one for you.

During normal days, men are free to wear all types of clothing as they are not limited like women. They can wear suits and any type of clothing provided they remain descent and smart. This is to honor their creator and their Muslim society. They can now be able to have clothes custom made, feel elegant and still be respected as a Muslim member.

Shopping for Islamic clothing can be hectic if you are not aware of the market to find these clothes. However, there has been a growth in the online market for these clothes with tailors from different countries showcasing their work in this platform. Although it is hectic to shop for these clothes, there are many stores in the locality where you can find these attires.

The Islamic faith has emphasized the importance of modest clothing. Designers are now concentrating on the market to ensure that they suffice the increasing demand for modern but modest clothes. You can get these clothes online or even from your local stores. However, ensure that you adhere to the stipulated regulations to make sure that you conform to the religions expectations.

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