What To Look For In A Keynote Speaker

By Larry Martin

The keynote address cements what a conference or meeting is all about. It sets the agenda or confirms the deliberations already made. This places the keynote speaker at the center of your proceedings. You probably wonder why the speech is not delivered by the chairman or most influential member of the congress. This only confirms the centrality of the address and the need to get the right person.

Most speakers are chosen because of the authority they command in the industry or sector. Participants can only listen and recognize a person currently held in high regard. This is why success and influence within the industry are paramount. As long as the life and achievements of such a person are enviable in the eyes of participants, they will be ready to listen. Such people come with an air of authority around them that make it easier to heed their message.

Awareness of challenges and triumphs of participants and the industry in general is important. This will inform the speech making it relevant and motivating to them. Personal stories should also be shared and magnified in a way that makes the audience consider the person one of their own. By this understanding, a bond is created that makes the message captivating and easier to identify with.

Conferences and symposiums are not all serious business. You will need a funny and humorous person to deliver the address. It not only entertains the crowd but also makes the message memorable. It is this memorable delivery that will keep the event and the message alive until the next conference. It also helps to shed off fatigue that characterizes lengthy deliberations that take place in conferences. It takes a lot of experience and creativity to deliver serious message with humor.

There are speakers who play the role of moderators. This means that they direct discussions and generation of ideas. You need an engaging, energetic and pleasant person. It is easy to be intimidated considering the aura that surrounds such people. Such speakers should be aware of these challenges. The venue needs to be well organized and facilitated to accommodate such a discussion.

The position of the speech within the program will determine the role played by such speakers. If a speech is to be delivered at the beginning of a conference, the aim will be to set the agenda. Other speakers will be slated for the middle of deliberations. Their aim is to refocus discussions and ignite fire into the symposium. Speakers slated for the end are required to crown all the discussions that took place.

There are people to avoid when selecting a speaker. Controversial personalities will only cause division within the group. Persons who advocate for radical ideas can only be invited if the group stands by such. Obvious figures are also likely to deliver a flat speech since their style and ideas are already known. Only consider personalities who will add value to your program.

All speakers have unique messages to deliver and which makes them attractive. However, the theme of a conference must be maintained. Speakers should be made to deliver speeches that reflect understanding of current company, organization and personal positions. If the message resonates with the participant, the speech can be regarded as successfully delivered.

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