Best Practices On Compiling A Great Portfolio Of Your Artwork

By Betty Edwards

If you are an aspiring visual artist who desires to enhance their skills in a professional academic setting, then you should consider applying for art school. There are plenty of top colleges and universities with exceptional arts programs, and even specialized institutions dedicated to exclusively teaching art to students. So when you want to realize your creative pursuits, you must first impress the admissions office by sending a great portfolio submission via these helpful guidelines.

The proper compilation of any impressive collection starts with understanding the requirements of your selected school. Some institutions may ask for dissertations regarding advanced color theory, or perhaps an audio recording that outlines their artistic goals. Take note of such details so you could adequately prepare the necessary preconditions for qualification.

Sketching is crucial because this is the basis for many artists who are trying to conceptualize their creations before they execute their vision. Keep a sketchbook ready for when you have immediate moments of creative energy waiting to be noted down. Your sketches will also be useful as reference guides in case you need to make corrections or other edits to certain works.

One of the best secrets to crafting a compelling portfolio is to implement elements or themes tied directly or loosely on your personal experiences. Most artists are trying to make statements based on their emotional states or perhaps conveying their opinions in a more nonfigurative manner. The trick here is to strike a balance between being emotional and being cerebral.

As a suitable alternative, you can make do with exploring conceptual ideas that you do not usually go for. An admissions panel is looking for individuals who are unafraid to challenge themselves in bold and new directions when it comes to expressing their art. As such, you would be wise to employ some innovation and originality in your works.

When you are a creative visionary who can express himself in various mediums, then that is a very significant advantage. But do try to show some restraint by paring things down to the essentials and focus primarily on your core strengths as an artist skilled in a particular style. Doing this will eliminate the hassle of having too many ideas distracting your process.

Because the world of art is automatically subject to criticism, you must be emotionally prepared to face tough comments from anyone reviewing your work. Desensitize yourself by having more established creators take a look at your pieces for their opinion. Chances are, the things they will say to you might also be the same things that your prospective school would agree with.

Parallel to the previous point, you must not allow yourself to become a doormat for critics. Show some backbone and be your own ardent defender of your artwork. You will ultimately gain the respect of others if you show them you are not just an artist driven by emotions, but one who also happens to be erudite, articulate, and knowledgeable about art.

Before you become a serious art student, you must pass the hurdle of wowing an academic panel with the best art portfolio that you have. And as long as you dutifully heed these handy hints of advice in this post, then success is surely in your future. Above all, stay positive and never be afraid to stay true to your outspoken artistic voice.

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