Decorating With Los Angeles' Abstract Artists

By Kenneth Smith

Modern art is often 'abstract', in that it is not a realistic depiction of a visible object. This differs from a still life study of fruit or flowers, for instance, or a landscape with clouds, mountains, animals, and people. Abstract artists may be able to draw extremely well but may choose to paint an impression or emotion rather than actual things.

For example, an artist could use hot reds and yellows to bring to life the feeling of lying on a beach with your eyes closed, seeing the blaze of light through your eyelids and feeling your blood coming to the boiling point. Of course, you might not discern that. You might think of a desert or of the energy of the sun which makes life on earth possible.

There are all kinds of modern creations. You might choose a small statue for your hall table, a majestic oil painting for the living room, and a tiny watercolor for the bath. The bedroom is perfect for fabric art, but a wall hanging can be just as effective in a main room. You might want to brighten up a corner or make a statement that your guests will not be able to miss.

Many times a room will cry out for a finishing touch that you might find in studios, galleries, and even flea markets. Or perhaps a striking work will lead you to fashion the setting specifically to set it off. Using art to complete your vision or as inspiration helps you to design a home that is uniquely your own. You can decide if you want a relaxing room or one that cries out for stimulating company.

Abstract is often taken to mean indecipherable, but it really means 'not like a photograph'. The artist may be trying to suggest something and do it so skillfully that his vision becomes yours. Sometimes it's more that the artist is aiming for an impact, and the viewer is left to find an interpretation. The vision can be vast - like an expression of creation or of an emotion common to all - or minute, like a study of one detail of a familiar object that few have ever focused on in this particular way. This kind of art can fit any period and any decor, although many feel it is only for modern settings.

Art, of course, is not limited to oil paintings. Statues, wall hangings, pottery, watercolors or pastels, unusual photography, and pen and ink drawings are popular. An object does not need to be expensive, although it can be a good investment. A print of a work by a famous artist can be very effective; this is an inexpensive way to brighten up a room.

Of course, art can also be the dramatic shape of a sculpture, a fascinating piece of driftwood mounted just right, or a swirl of colorful glass. Los Angeles, CA has so many talented artists, both past and present, that it's easy to find something unique and perfect for your house, apartment, or garden. Finding a local artist is fun, and it makes for as much conversation as a print of an Old Master.

There are many ways to use art in your decorating scheme. Whether it's a painting, a fabric creation to hang on a wall, a hand-made rug, a statue, or a photograph, art can bring life and character to your personal spaces.

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