Discover The Beauty Of The World Through NY Travel Photographer

By Selena Chery

New York City is known as a beautiful major hub in the world of photography. Any of the leading travel photographers who make their homes there have undoubtedly shot the Empire State Building, the Statue of Liberty and scenes in Central Park. A NY travel photographer may live in New York and bring pictures of the entire world back to the United States when he or she returns.

As a photographer flys off to faraway places, it is expected they will return with photos of waterfalls and other outstanding scenery. They will shoot ocean waves from the deck of a ship. They might photograph a newborn giraffe in Africa.

It is not within everyone's means to take a trip to view all the amazing parts of the world we live in. New York has much to offer, but, there is so much more. We can travel around the world vicariously when we leaf through the National Geographic magazine or turn pages of a coffee table book showing wildlife around the world.

What most people know of the world are the major tourist attractions in each country. The Eiffel Tower and waterways of Venice are familiar. But, it is a rare treat to see people walking down a narrow cobblestone street in France. Tall buildings on either side give it the appearance of a tunnel.

A talented world class photographer can almost make one feel the sand between his toes with a sunrise shot of a white sand tropical beach in Jamaica. Journeys of a traveling photographer take him to frigid Alaska to capture pictures of polar bears. His next trip may take him to Kenya and the rain forest where the diminishing number of gorillas reside. Shots may include native Alaskans in their fur parkas and Kenyan school children in the uniforms they wear to school.

Photos can be to promote a cause such as saving an endangered species of animals. They can show the pleasure of riding a horse along a beach in Cancun. The pictures brought back back for publication allow people to see wonders of the world they would not otherwise have access to.

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