General Information On Immigration In Chicago

By Elizabeth Smith

The US as a nation is made of immigrants from different parts of the world mainly Europe, Africa and the Latin world. This is one city that has taken up the population accumulation of the entire nation. It is made up of many immigrants. The demography of this state has immigrants filling up the largest percentage thus the reason for numerous cases of immigration in Chicago.

Walking along its streets, one will notice that the restaurants, shops, and even the market areas have a touch of foreign culture. In schools, it is possible to find that the students can speak over a hundred different mother tongues. It is a place where many cultures seem to converge making it the most metropolitan state in the US.

For a long time now the high number of immigrants in this land has played a crucial role in ensuring that the population of this state is always at equilibrium. The large number of foreigners coming is enough to take the place of the dying natives and even ensure that the population keeps on increasing.

The history of immigrants has not started recently it dates even before the two world wars when it was developing as a city. During this time the immigrants came as skilled workers mainly from Norway, Deutschland, and Sweden. By 1840, it was the 92nd populous city in the US. The number of immigrants kept on increasing such that twenty years later, it was the 9th populous city.

These immigrants have had their impact on the day to day life of Chicago as a whole. Various cultural practices are undertaken in the nation. A walk along the streets and estates of this area especially in the evening will give you a glimpse of how different people spend Their free time as they remember where they came from. There are several museums in this state where the cultures and history of the inhabitants of this state are showcased.

Apart from the culture, the economy of this nation has immigrants as its wheels. These immigrants usually offer the biggest number of both skilled and semi-skilled labor. More so, the many small scales and even large scale businesses are directly attributed to immigrants. Most shops, for example, are owned by them. They have even established themselves into holding the largest firms around.

The history that makes it visible on the map is on the verge if distraction. The population of Chicago is slowly declining. This has raised the concern of many because the demographic trends experienced are shocking and worrying. The number of immigrants has gone down. The Mexican immigrants who used to be the most have reduced such that in the past four years more Mexicans have gone out than those who entered.

The main reason for this decline is the low birth rate which has created an aging population within the state. More so, the policy against illegal immigrants has dealt Chicago a major blow. Many of the Mexican immigrants who used to come here undocumented can no longer be able to make the population of this land at a jeopardy.

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