Installing Chimney Liners Windsor Locks CT

By Barbara Allen

Quite a number of people who own homes usually mind about their safety a lot and always do everything possible to ensure their homes are safe. One of these ways entails the installation of chimney liners Windsor Locks CT. Many people do not appreciate them but they have a number of benefits that they offer which make them worth.

The liners are meant to offer protection on the flue system of houses to ensure that they do not transfer heat to nearby areas that could be combustible. You will be able to keep your masonry products safer from corrosive and damaging effects of the combustion by products. The gases emanated during combustion for example can cause the deterioration of the mortar holding the tiles together.

Flexible liners that are made using stainless steel could be the perfect material to use if your flue system has been destroyed. The rigid type of liners would not be appropriate as they make the project difficult especially in taking it down the length of your chimney. Use the flexible material to install woodstoves for the first time as you will find it easy to bend it.

Immediately the liner gets to the site, you ought to unpack it in a careful manner and lay it flat. The edges are potentially dangerous as they can cut you and care ought to be exercised. Ensure that you or the expert doing the work sets down to work by first of all measuring the sizes you will need and cut them up.

The chimney ought to be insulated first and this should be carried out on the whole length. In an attempt to get the correct size of the width, you can use the formula of getting the circumference by multiplying the diameter with pi and increase by an inch in order to take care of the overlapping section. You should not go below the measurements you got as that would bring issues later on.

You should then lay your insulation down and ensure the side having the foil faces down and the liner should be at the center. You will then proceed to wrap your liner with the foil tape and ensure it is tightly tied. Use the tape to cover the entire length so as to secure the insulation.

It is important to have a wire mesh insulating your liners to prevent damages as it is taken down the chimney. The whole liner ought to be covered with the mesh wire for maximum protection. The extra pieces should be snipped off at this point using tin snips.

All the necessary safety precautions ought to be observed when you are doing this project as you will be on the roof where the danger is real. You should have enough people helping you to do this job well to avoid damages from occurring as it is being dropped inside your chimney and ensure it is placed in the middle. The liner is then safely secured using silicone caulk that is usually applied at the bottom to hold it firmly in place for the longest period.

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