How A Faux Fur Throw Is Being Made

By Brenda Hayes

Faux is a French word originally and it means fake, false, or a simulation. Fake products are being made by some manufacturers to just purely imitate or simulate items. They are really attempting to make these products to look like more closely as the original item. Their reason for this is for them to avoid some controversies about the over use of animal furs.

Faux materials are produced in many different variations or ways. This would include finishes in which it is made from marble dust. Marbles and other stone types are finished with feather streaking, spatter dash, and sponging techniques. Fake furs became more popular because it is promoting the animal welfare. Faux fur throw is being utilized now to replace those real ones and become animal friendly.

Aside from its use for clothing, it is also used for stuffed animal, fashion accessories, and some home decors like for pillows and bedding. A real fur is thicker compared to fake furs. And because of its thickness, it would require a special sewing machine for it to be produced.

Nowadays, these types of fur became a trend in most fashion designing. This is also considered now as a mainstream in winter fashion. Winter fashion would include hats and also jackets. Most designers today surely have started thinking about some other fashion types that they can collect in the future by the use of these materials. They would prefer on using fake than the real ones because it can be easily manufactured and controlled based on its color and volume.

There are many types of materials for producing fake furs. The usual materials that are utilized are polymeric fibers. These are processed and are dyed to get the desired result of its color and texture. Acrylic and modacrylic polymers are mostly being utilized types of polymers.

Modacrylic and acrylic polymers have useful characteristics and these include its lightness and it is springy as well. Other characteristics include heat, smoke, and sunlight resistance. It also can resist to mildews and reducing insect attacks. It can also be dried quickly because it is fast absorbent. Mohair, silk, and wool are naturally made fabrics that are also used in the production and it improves the garment looks.

I monitoring the production, raw materials are to be inspected first. Other features like resiliency, absorbency, pH, density, and appearance are monitored as well. While the fabrication is on going, every single time, manufacturers are doing a test for samples to ensure quality and to surely meet the requirements.

The modern technology has a big part for the continuous improvement of high quality products. According to researchers, more products will be developed in future years and these products will have improvement when it comes to the quality and cost. New methods are still investigated for more efficient and quicker production.

So for the reason of the continuous increase in quality production, nowadays, it can be hard to distinguished natural from faux. The demands surely will also increase. And lastly, manufacturers will strive in producing higher quality products with the lowest possible cost.

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