How Modest Islamic Clothing Affects The Society Of Muslim People

By Paul Peterson

For the past decades, every nation has its own distinctive culture with regard to their way of dressing. In this aspect, it may be because of different climatic conditions, traditional heritage, their culture and most especially its social interaction or exposure from the different tribes and profession. Muslims from other nations also dress differently from their Asian countries.

Likewise, population around the world have been growing every minute of a day. Many religions have also been part of the lives of many people. One of most populated religions is the Islam where a modest Islamic clothing is suggested for its people in all walks of life. In addition, being the unpretentious religion in the world, it teaches its constituents to act moderately and humbly in whatever a Muslim does.

Meanwhile, prohibited acts are also part of what it teaches which includes the luxurious lifestyle and indulgence but a blessing must be served in profoundly joy. Monastical life and discipline must be taken into consideration as a relation of being a Muslim. To get to know more about its beliefs, here are matters, they should be aware of.

Try to hide your body at all course. This is a part of some principles of being a Muslim that the body is the most sacred part a person can have. To preserve it from the eyes of others, the clothes to wear must be very conservative and can hide them. You must make sure to buy a dress which are about to touch your toes.

Thickness. In either circumstances, the dress must be thick enough so as not to show the skin colors of the person wearing it and most substantially its body shape which must supposed to permanently be hidden no matter what. The main purpose of what they call ayah is obviously to hide body parts except the face and the hands but this cannot be served if the clothing material is very thin. The beliefs that they have is what influenced this type of dressing.

See if it is not a body hugging dress. Looseness is a counterpart of the word thickness apart from many things. If you are already decided to buy one, see to it that this are standard clothes that is a spatial thing in your religion. Tight materials are not advisable for it only draws some minds of many people especially men.

Overall Appearance. The clothing department should not be as such that it would really attract the attention of men in the society. You have to be presentable from head to toe in the eyes of public for they will only judge your appearance if you do not even know how to act a Muslim way. Ignorance must not bewitched you along the way.

Similarity. Subsequently, your costume must not be similar to the costume of some gentlemen. You should act like a lady as to how a man would. Discrimination is not an option in this corner but be sure to show who you really are. An act of chivalry now a days are not really prompted and realized by an individual mostly by men.

Finally, the right of every person cannot be a hindrance especially for satisfaction but see to it that it is with regards to your religious acts. Nonetheless, respect from each culture, traditions and beliefs is the only matter that an individual can do. Because, it can be denied that humans are now living in a multicultural humanity where the rights on what to wear is a normal view from others.

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