The Family Day TTOR Christian Film Ministry

By Perry L. D.

The TTOR Christian films family day ministry is a ministry that's part of the entire TTOR Church. The TTOR (the temple of restoration) church is different from other Locations of worship because of its devotion to the true teaching of serving God the father, God the son, Our Lord and deliverer Jesus Christ, and God the holy spirit.

The TTOR church attempts to help people who have given their lives to Christ. The TTOR Christian films family church holds monthly conferences with a focus on nurturing, developing, growing, strengthening and supporting the holy spirit within us, through gatherings, conferences, and meetings amongst members.

Every one of these patrons is unique people with impressive testaments of problems that extend from the moderate to the extreme. Some come from lives dealing with drug addictions. Some came from dealing with alcoholic addiction. Some used to be drug dealers. Some came from painful lives battling dealing with destitution. Some were homeless battling unemployment. Furthermore many struggled with personal bankruptcy. Some came from relationships in which they quietly endured violent mates and associations with women and men.

And it really does not matter if these relationships are in the home, in their marriage, their actual bodies, in their neighborhoods where they reside, another country, or on the job. Some even come from broken homes, as well as war-torn poverty-stricken places from around the globe. The TTOR Christian films family day ministry holds many events every year to encourage, strengthen, support, and build faith-based communication. They are mostly fun-filled activities in which people can come, meet and greet each other, relax and unwind, get to know each other, exchange numbers, and find common ground.

There's always food and drink, but no alcohol, and relaxing gospel music. You can go swimming, or play basketball, or volleyball, and soccer with much more fun activities. The atmosphere is always enjoyable, and accepting, with little to no judgment of others. Other activities are the Men's Ministry fishing trip, the trip to the TTOR Rhode island church, and regular trips to the TTOR church in Queens NYC. There's also a bowling trip, evangelizing ministry, thanksgiving feeding, and cookout with more functions being planned.

The TTOR Christian films family day ministry is just one of several other functions that are being prepared on the way. TTOR church comes complete with plenty of church structures in several locations around the globe. The monthly conferences and annual functions address the various challenges that our beliefs and spirituality are affected by.

These challenges are discussed at the monthly meetings in forums called themes. These themes cover many aspects of men's and women's lives such as love, marriage, dating, family, friendship, commitment, dedication, backsliding, prayer, study, trust, and servitude, just to name a few. And the pastors of the TTOR churches regularly speak at these functions.

The church always seeks to grow its membership. Plans are in store for journeys by the church to the African continent, soccer contests, basketball contests, concerts, and, much, more. Coupled with the Family Day trip to Connecticut is proof that people will be allowed to attend with their kids and families too. But what about your family? And as for your kids? And what about your participation?

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