The Major Benefits Of Senior Citizen Comedian

By Rebecca Morris

A type of entertainment that is consists of satire and jokes and which is intended for making the audiences laugh is called comedy. But for the Romans and Greeks, this is a kind of stage play where in the ending is usually happy. And in Middle Ages, this term has expanded and already includes narrative poems and just like the stage play, the ending is often happy and it also has lighter tone.

In United States, laughter is universal. Being universal means it can be experienced by any kinds of people. They may be of different ages, having different languages, or having different mental abilities and physical abilities. Even most people without sense of humor can be caught smiling and laughing while watching or hearing a funny story. These reasons is proven to have a lot of good benefits to a senior citizen comedian.

In the physiological aspect, this has a lot of advantages. It includes body relaxation, minimizing inflammation and pain, releasing endorphins, reducing blood pressure, and stimulates the immune system. According to some research, there is an electricity that will sweep through in the cerebral cortex or the brain before laughing, and this may prove that it can help in improving the cognitive functions through the activation of different brain parts simultaneously.

Laughter can provide many benefits towards the people. In the disciplines on the science of humor, these benefits can have some demonstrations on connections between longevity and also laughing. Other advantages of laughing include the lowering of blood pressure while the blood flow is increased and it also increases oxygen intake. All of these really have a positive effect to physiological aspects and which are linked also to decrease the risks to having stroke or having heart attack.

And because it can trigger the releasing of a neuro chemical endorphin which is drug like, it can simply make people feel better. Laughing also has anesthetic effect on a persons body. This can suppress a physical pain and can cause discomfort for only up to 2 hours which follows the hearty chuckle.

A persons laughing ability can be considered as to have a close tie on having a positive outlook on life. And this is one of the very important factors in protecting someone from having some issues on their mental health such as anxiety and also depression, and thus, it would help them on having positive perspective and having stable mood the whole day.

Being optimistic can help in improving resiliency which means having the ability on coping up with any stressful situations. Telling a joke about the changes of age may help on easing anxiety and may also help in normalizing the experiences of senior citizens. Some researchers stated that if a person has a sense of humor, he or she will more likely to live longer.

Aside from the stated benefits above about preventing mental and physical illnesses, it is also said to be a powerful medicine for chronic conditions such as Parkinson, dementia, cancer, and Alzheimer. Some topics, in general, like ethnics, religions, and minority groups are not accepted as jokes. One must always remember that it is okay to joke about yourself but not about other people.

Last tip is knowing about adding a humor to your entire day. Having an internet can be important when searching for online resources. In this way, you will know the differences of health and humor.

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