Why American Friends Linden Opera Is Still Relevant

By Carolyn Lee

Art is a vital part of life and living. While it may not be necessary for survival, it has to be present to put value in our lives. One very prominent artform is the performance and theatre art. These plays nourish the soul and have great moving stories about the wonder, tragedy and humour that surround life throughout different generations.

Opera is a branch of theater arts that focuses on music and singing. All the parts are sang and have a specific style. Many confuse musicals and operas with each other. Learning how to sing the way they do require a whole lifetime of training and in born talent. The American Friends Linden opera house have many performances that cater to the Renaissance form of theater.

Surprisingly the Phantom of the Opera is not an opera, it is a musical. There are associations that make an extended effort of sharing their art to different parts of the world. On one hand, musicals may have their tragic and comedic elements in storylines, they are generally light hearted and do not always border to the human tendency to meddle with the supernatural.

Operas on the other hand, usually delve in serious tragedy surrounding and have a lot of political themes and 18th to 19th century culture. A famous publication also stated that if a character start singing after they get stabbed, you are probably watching an opera. Many composers for this include the fathers of music like Strauss, Mozart, Tchaikovesky and Beethoven.

Ironically, one of the most famous plays that have ever been created, the Phantom of the Opera, is not an opera. It was made incredibly popular by its movie. The music can range from classical rennaisance with so much romantic music. Although this is more contemporary than the ones performed in Europe.

The musical composition for this is very different when compared to other theatrical arts. The stories are also geared toward more classical ideas involving the tragedy and comedy of human life. A persistent element is how the characters would always seek some sort of divine intervention to solve their problems through supernatural causes, like in mentioned previously, by selling souls to the devil.

One that with music composed by the Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart is Don Juan. The play Don Giovani involved both drama and comedy. Another one that was also composed by the same an is the marriage of Figaro that is often referenced in pop culture performances.

These are still being performed even after centuries because of the value they hold to the human experience. Many of these stories were often written by Shakespeare an have the same elements of comedy and tragedy combined. Many of these focus on the follies of men and the consequences of their silly decisions.

It may be difficult for the digital age to appreciate such classical art form carried over from centuries over. But it does show you how much people are invested in art that lifts their spirits even if it means expending so much with music, people and production. Humans have evolved to appreciate art in such a way that it may be their only reason for living, which is, quite frankly, the most beautiful.

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