Why They Used To Say Reading Is Fundamental

By Barbara Morgan

In this modern era of text speech, it appears the art of written communication is in danger of death. The abbreviated language of the Internet and cellular telephones has children limited in their ability to understand the world. Without effective reading comprehension, many young people can be left behind in a world growing more and more competitive.

There is nothing wrong with slang or abbreviated language as an aside, but this is becoming the total of the language that young people use. This means their ability to spell has declined, and their powers of basic comprehension are stunted. There are already generations of adults who are functionally illiterate, and this is only getting worse.

Taking in a good book can improve mood and make a person feel as if they went on an adventure for the day. Viewing fifty more episodes of CSI does not compare to the spark that occurs in creative imagination when a young person reads one book. Twenty hours spent playing an adrenaline-junky video game is time wasted, but one hour spent absorbed in an historical fiction novel is not.

When an adult reads, and their children see them doing so, or they read directly to their little ones, it creates an interest in this activity for their child. Not only do they wish to do what the adults are doing, but their desire to please their parents is very strong when they are small. Parents can use this desire to instill in their child a life-long love of books and learning.

With the skills of spelling, grammar, and punctuation that are sharpened when we read, a young person is given an edge over their peers in all walks of life. Improved comprehension means school learning becomes easier and more enjoyable. Those who enjoy school are more likely to pursue further education later in life.

College alone is not enough to ensure success, and certainly does not ensure that a person lead a rich and full life. Many people view school as a necessary, albeit unpleasant hurdle. Once they complete their required courses, they tend to surrender themselves to mindless entertainments that in no way make them better people in the long run.

With the World Wide Web one might want to assume that more people are actively engaged in the pursuit of knowledge for knowledge sake. This has unfortunately not been the case, as so many people do waste their time on gaming, pornographic addiction that harms their relationships, and other junk food for their brains. Young people are growing up watching their parents dumb themselves down.

If we continue on this road, it begs one to imagine what our grandchildren and great grandchildren will be like, and what sort of a world will come out of this. The Dark Ages which came after the Renaissance occurred, in part, due to the Church prohibiting people from being educated. It would seem that we are on the very brink of a self-created Dark Age.

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