How To Choose Your Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

By Laura Brown

The King Charles is a happy and friendly dog that is suitable for families. Its smaller sizes make the ideal pet with a high level of intelligence for easy training and management. Before owning one of these Cavalier King Charles puppies, there are a number of steps that should be taken to produce the best results when selecting a future canine companion.

The Cavalier King Spaniel has been recognized as one of the most regal and loyal dogs making for a favorite pet among younger families and single dog owners. Once you have made the decision to own this breed, research into its character, physical appearance and general care must be completed. These steps can assist in choosing a healthy puppy from a reputable breeder.

The King Cavalier has become one of the most sought after canine breeders offering its owners a wonderfully friendly temperament. These dogs can reach up to 13 inches and transported with ease. Coat colors include brown and white, black and tan, and solid brown that should be noted when you are searching for a particular puppy from select breeders.

Most people choose a puppy based on its coloring, but spending some time with a litter may reveal distinguished personalities. Base a decision the personality that is most compatible with your pet care needs and a reputable breeder should assist in matching the characteristics of your canine to your requirements. A more energetic pup may require ongoing training compared to a quieter and reserved pet.

Learn all about the breeder and their requirements upon purchasing the pet from sterilization to feed and general healthcare examinations. Research into the reputability of a seller is an important step in determining whether healthy and purely bred puppies are being produced and raised. There are many people who may claim to sell King Charles puppies only to provide cross breeds or pets with ill health.

If you are able to visit the premises where the puppies are being held, take a closer look at the condition of the coat, eyes and nose. The eyes should be bright and free from dirt, the coat must be clean and smooth without matting. All pups should be naturally curious and without skittish or fearful responses that could suggest they have not been raised under foot and lack the necessary social skills.

The puppy should always be sold with a certificate revealing it proof of bloodline. This piece of paper will document the heritage of the puppy and the bloodlines included providing peace of mind that you are purchasing a pet that has not been cross bred, but possesses the quality line of this canine. Do not buy a pup if the breeder is not able to produce its registration or you may be choosing a pup with a number of crossings.

A King Charles Spaniel is a popular breed of dog possessing a beautiful long and soft coat with distinct markers across the ears and face or solid coloring. These playful puppies must always be registered and vet checked before being adopted into the new home. Following these steps can help you find a happy and healthy pet who will provide many years of joy.

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