A Beginner's Guide To Picking Crochet Patterns

By Angela Reynolds

Knitting and crocheting can be a fun and easy way to make a wide variety of objects. Whether you are trying to make a new garment, such as a sweater, or something for your home, such as an afghan, there are many different crochet patterns available to choose from. Here are some tips and tricks that you can use to help you find patterns that will work for you regardless of your skill level or experience.

In the past, there were relatively limited numbers of places to find patterns. They were available in magazines and books and some simple patterns, like granny squares, were handed down from generation to generation. Now, they are also available online. Yarn companies are creating and distributing their own patterns and there are also entire online communities and websites devoted to these hobbies. The selection is great but choosing which option to go with can become that much more difficult.

There are many different places where you can find patterns. Online communities and websites will have many different options to choose from. You may be able to find free patterns that you can look at or download. Since patterns can be pricey if you purchase them from a store you may want to look for free ones, especially when you are just starting out.

You should always look for the difficulty rating on a pattern before deciding to try and complete it. You do not always need to stay within your comfort zone but if you are just starting out it could end up being frustrating to try and complete a project that is rated as "very hard" or "expert". If you do want to try a more complex pattern you might want to read ahead and try out any new stitches or techniques before starting the project itself.

Reviews are also a good thing to look at. Some patterns may be printed incorrectly or certain steps may be missing. Reading information contained in the reviews can help you avoid options that have these problems. You should also look for information about how to adjust sizing if the item you are working on is wearable.

Once you know which option to go with, you will want to make sure that you are using the rights sized hook and the proper kind of yarn. Not doing so can make it difficult to reproduce results that are like those shown in any pictures. You may also want to pay attention to sizing charts or gauge charts that will list how large a specific series of stitches should be. This will let you know if you are on the right track.

If you are completing a pattern for the first time, going slower can help you avoid making mistakes that may cause you to have to go back and redo some of your work. It can be frustrating to have to do so and you may end up giving up on the pattern altogether.

As you become more skilled, you will quickly find out how relaxing it can be to crochet. Even a beginner should find it possible to start making various items that can be worn or used around the house. Then, as you master specific stitches, you can begin to explore a wider variety of different projects and expand your repertoire even more.

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